White Pine Lodge Key and Garage Policy

  • In an effort to improve two important aspects of the White Pine Lodge (key control and parking) the Board has updated the owner key control/distribution process, and garage parking policy.

    Click here to see the updated Owner Key Policy (11/13/2017)

    Click here to see the updated Parking Garage Policy (10/28/2020)

    Click here for a map of the assigned parking spaces (10/28/2020)

Owners Club usage – good neighbor policies to help all owners enjoy the Club

  • The Owners Club can be reserved anytime with the exception of New Year’s Eve and the Super Bowl (these are high volume times in the lodge). Please email Tom Curtiss for a reservation. Tom will email you an outlook calendar with your specific date and time reserved.
  • All owners and owners guests assume responsibility for clean-up and for any damages that occur while using the Club. Private parties should adhere to reasonable care practices to protect the Owners Club asset.
  • The Owners Club has a rental rate of $450.00 per day for any outside party or non-owner. Reservations are subject to Board approval before a confirmation is given.
  • A friendly reminder – children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult when using the great room.
  • Click here to see the online Owner’s Club schedule.

Bicycles in garage areas

  • There are several bicycles stored in both garage levels that look like they are on their last leg some have flat tires, others are dated and dirty, and one is damaged. Please let us know if you prefer to store your bike in the garage and we will make note of it accordingly. We have a suspicion that some bikes may not belong to owners and want to remove them.

Smoking Policy for the Lodge

  • Smoking is prohibited throughout the entire building and parking garages except for individual units. The CC&Rs are very clear on this item pursuant to article six, section 6.3.
  • There are designated smoking areas in the Village.

Pets in the building

  • The White Pine Lodge is a pet-friendly lodge for owners. However, renters and guests are not allowed to have pets in the building. We need your help in making sure your pet uses the outdoor facilities rather than anywhere in the building. We have had a particular challenge with the parking garage levels. Also, to prevent foul odors, please do not dispose of pet waste in the parking garage garbage cans. The Board asks owners who rent their units to long-term tenants to help convey these rules and to give the association a heads-up on the tenant and pet names. This will help us manage the rule for everyone’s benefit.

Entry into your unit

  • There may be times the Association or our maintenance provider may need to enter your unit. These times will be recorded and approved by the association manager and or the Board. Emergencies such as water running or gas type smells will be addressed immediately and permission may not be a luxury regarding time. During cold snaps the Association may determine that each unit needs to be entered to ensure the property is not subject to a freeze-up. If your unit needs to be entered for maintenance reasons, we will leave a note with the date and time of entry on the kitchen counter top.
  • If you suspect foul play regarding an unauthorized entry, the Association has the ability to read your electronic lock and identify the last 200 entries.

Satellite television

  • Because there are several inherent challenges related to the sheer number of satellite dishes the building can accommodate as well as the infrastructure of cabling, the Board requests that anyone wanting to switch over to satellite television should obtain Board approval prior to setting up the service provider.

Vendor list

  • The Association’s Approved Vendor List is here to help owners choose insured and reliable vendors who can perform a variety of work inside your units. Remember that major renovation such as new flooring and removal of walls must receive the Board’s approval.

Washer and Dryer Tips

  • Our washing machines require some tender loving care when opening and closing the door. Several latches have snapped off due to slamming the door closed. If you gently lift up on the door when closing, the latch will easily fit into place and click shut. Please be careful not to overload the machines as this can cause damage as well.

Trash/Refuse Disposal

  • All trash/refuse is to be properly disposed of in the trash bins located on parking level B.
  • Leaving trash in the hallways is prohibited.

Grease Disposal Policy

  • Cease the Grease because FOG (fats, oils, grease) CLOGS!

Click here for the proper grease disposal instructions.